VIP: 09.12.2018
Vastuuhenkilö: Ginevra (VRL-11040)
Järjestyspaikka: Gealán
Osallistuminen tapahtuu sähköpostiin otsikolla KERJ120-129. Osallistut samalla viiteen kutsuun, yksittäiseen kutsuun osallistuminen ei ole mahdollista. Kaikki samaan luokkaan osallistuvat saman luokkaotsikon alle.
Luokka [rv]
Ratsastaja (VRL-00000) - Hevonen VH00-000-0000
Kutsusarjan kutsut: 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129
Luokat1. Nikki (VRL-14085) - Gloomsdale Jon Bon Jovi VH18-017-0513 (29.2 + 0 + 3 = 32.2) 2. Tuire (VRL-00345) - Hengenvaaran Usvahukka VH18-018-1183 (35.2 + 0 + 1.8 = 37) 3. jabberjinx (VRL-13570) - Riemunkirjava Suruhuippu VH18-018-1468 (37.4 + 0 + 0.6 = 38.1) 4. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Mustasuon Aliisa (36.1 + 4 + 0.3 = 40.4) 5. jabberjinx (VRL-13570) - Viisikon Hukkaputki VH18-018-1793 (38.3 + 4 + 4.6 = 46.9) 6. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Närhen Halippa (47.6 + 0 + 10.4 = 58) 7. Ginevra (VRL-11040) - Arendel GEA VH18-046-0033 (30.2 + 0 + 35.5 = 65.7) 8. Jannica (VRL-04799) - Millie's Choice (61.3 + 4 + 1.4 = 66.6) 9. Jannica (VRL-04799) - Kadotettu Haaveuni VH16-018-2328 (39.6 + 12 + 19.2 = 70.9) 10. jabberjinx (VRL-13570) - Riemunkirjava Harmikatti VH18-018-1719 (43.7 + 4 + 24.5 = 72.2) 11. Anna (VRL-14657) - Raitolan Suklaavanukas VH18-102-0032 (29.2 + 8 + 35.9 = 73.1) 12. Ginevra (VRL-11040) - Cobalt GEA VH18-046-0035 (49.1 + 8 + 20.8 = 77.8) 13. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Kaihon Kujerrus (49.2 + 0 + 32 = 81.3) 14. Jannica (VRL-04799) - Hunajamäen Helmipöllö VH16-018-1197 (55.4 + 8 + 19.8 = 83.2) 15. Anna (VRL-14657) - Kosmos VH16-102-0014 (45.2 + 0 + 40.6 = 85.8) 16. Ginevra (VRL-11040) - Dyantha's Conn Ardal VH16-046-0027 (65.9 + 4 + 20.3 = 90.2) 17. jabberjinx (VRL-13570) - Harlequin Enchantment of Dawn VH18-031-0340 (64.2 + 4 + 28.3 = 96.5) 18. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Pärren Nips&Naps (55.4 + 8 + 35.2 = 98.6) 19. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Kadon Wäinämö (62.1 + 4 + 33 = 99.1) 20. birdie (VRL-14733) - Aha Evidence (54.6 + 8 + 37.4 = 100) 21. Jannica (VRL-04799) - Adinan Kaneliviineri VH17-018-0501 (67.8 + 4 + 33.7 = 105.5) 22. Jannica (VRL-04799) - Adinan Kissankulman Kauhu VH17-018-0510 (58 + 8 + 43.6 = 109.6) 23. jabberjinx (VRL-13570) - Villahaan Hipatar VH18-018-1517 (70.1 + 12 + 30.7 = 112.8) 24. birdie (VRL-14733) - Amarillion (63.3 + 8 + 45.6 = 116.9) 25. Ginevra (VRL-11040) - Charity GEA VH18-046-0034 (62.4 + 8 + 49.5 = 119.9) 26. Tuire (VRL-00345) - Mörkövaaran Huntuhurmaaja VH18-018-1015 (74.9 + 12 + 43.4 = 130.4)Luokka 2: Harrasteluokka - 24 os.
1. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Kadon Hallusinaatio (43.6 + 4 + 6.5 = 54.1) 2. Jannica (VRL-04799) - A.D. Wonderland VH17-053-0035 (43.2 + 4 + 15.5 = 62.6) 3. Anna (VRL-14657) - Prince Caramel VH18-046-0111 (56.9 + 0 + 8.4 = 65.4) 4. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Kadon Kolonna (48.1 + 12 + 5.5 = 65.6) 5. Elva (VRL-14586) - Vipu-Nen (38.7 + 0 + 32.2 = 70.9) 6. jabberjinx (VRL-13570) - Rhaith Liverswort VH18-024-0106 (29.5 + 4 + 38 = 71.5) 7. Jannica (VRL-04799) - A.D. First Kiss VH16-057-0045 (67.2 + 0 + 7.8 = 75) 8. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Pärren Sissitär (56.5 + 16 + 6.3 = 78.8) 9. Jannica (VRL-04799) - Adinan Aavelaivan Aavekapteeni VH17-018-0537 (62 + 16 + 5.4 = 83.3) 10. Anna (VRL-14657) - The Lord of Darkness VH18-029-0156 (41.6 + 4 + 39.4 = 85) 11. jabberjinx (VRL-13570) - Ketkupolkan Laatikkoukko VH18-018-1490 (28.8 + 16 + 41.7 = 86.5) 12. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Hengenvaaran Häive (36.3 + 8 + 45.7 = 90) 13. Anna (VRL-14657) - Different Mistake VH18-046-0109 (71.1 + 8 + 11.5 = 90.5) 14. birdie (VRL-14733) - Hallvard (49.6 + 20 + 21 = 90.6) 15. Jannica (VRL-04799) - A.D. Vanilla Vegas VH16-022-0086 (63.7 + 4 + 25.1 = 92.8) 16. half (VRL-11734) - Kolbjorn v. Pijnboompit VH11-053-0029 (60.5 + 20 + 13.9 = 94.4) 17. half (VRL-11734) - Drína NB VH11-053-0036 (37.9 + 12 + 49.5 = 99.5) 18. jabberjinx (VRL-13570) - Lupsakan Pilantekijä VH18-018-1467 (72.3 + 12 + 16.3 = 100.6) 19. birdie (VRL-14733) - Lagertha (65.4 + 8 + 27.7 = 101.1) 20. birdie (VRL-14733) - Ragnar VH18-053-0070 (68.6 + 8 + 30.5 = 107.1) 21. jabberjinx (VRL-13570) - Harlequin Over-Clover VH18-031-0350 (64.6 + 12 + 35.2 = 111.8) 22. Jannica (VRL-04799) - Pikkuvillivadelma VH16-018-1822 (69.1 + 8 + 36.1 = 113.1) 23. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Ponipalleron Sikli (65.5 + 8 + 42.6 = 116) 24. birdie (VRL-14733) - Kjellfrid (73.4 + 4 + 49.8 = 127.2)Luokka 3: Tutustumisluokka - 21 os.
1. Jannica (VRL-04799) - Vuornan Tooa VH15-018-1781 (32.3 + 4 + 12 = 48.3) 2. enna (VRL-14704) - Murhenäytelmä VH18-018-1086 (31.7 + 16 + 0.7 = 48.4) 3. Ginevra (VRL-11040) - Chevonne of Smithloch VH18-046-0029 (44.5 + 4 + 5.7 = 54.1) 4. Tuire (VRL-00345) - Kuunlilja VH18-018-1829 (50.3 + 4 + 0.1 = 54.4) 5. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Kadon Morrisoni (29.4 + 12 + 15.8 = 57.2) 6. Ireth (VRL-03777) - Namys Merando VH17-035-0050 (30.3 + 16 + 16 = 62.3) 7. enna (VRL-14704) - Turmeltajan Rosinja VH18-018-1364 (60.8 + 12 + 2 = 74.8) 8. jabberjinx (VRL-13570) - Chaos Monkey VH18-031-0302 (55.5 + 16 + 6.1 = 77.6) 9. Jannica (VRL-04799) - Ponipalleron Lupiini VH17-018-0539 (48.8 + 0 + 33 = 81.9) 10. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Kadon Sirkli (33.9 + 16 + 32.9 = 82.8) 11. jabberjinx (VRL-13570) - Lively Tea Time VH18-031-0308 (51.9 + 4 + 30.4 = 86.2) 12. enna (VRL-14704) - Pimeyden Tango VH18-018-1084 (63.5 + 0 + 24.2 = 87.7) 13. enna (VRL-14704) - Julma-Roope VH18-018-1090 (59.9 + 8 + 22.8 = 90.7) 14. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Syrjän Näkki (66.4 + 12 + 12.5 = 90.9) 15. jabberjinx (VRL-13570) - Höpönhöpö Hellanlettas VH18-018-1498 (74.1 + 4 + 12.9 = 91.1) 16. Jannica (VRL-04799) - Clovercutt Arielle VH15-035-0046 (44.3 + 4 + 42.9 = 91.1) 17. Jannica (VRL-04799) - Eiddof Tywysog VH12-024-0165 (58.9 + 4 + 29.3 = 92.2) 18. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Kadon Hirvitys (46.8 + 4 + 49.1 = 99.9) 19. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Kadon Kasakka (58.4 + 8 + 38.2 = 104.6) 20. enna (VRL-14704) - Elohiljan Sudensurma VH18-018-1503 (63.9 + 0 + 45.7 = 109.6) 21. Jannica (VRL-04799) - Pencalow Coco VH14-022-0144 (56.5 + 4 + 50.8 = 111.4)Luokka 4: Helppo - 41 os.
1. Tanja (VRL-07777) - Glaucio Bunnystalker xx VH05-006-9946 (33 + 4 + 16.4 = 53.3) 2. Jannica (VRL-04799) - Noel Wicked Soul VH16-027-0207 (32.9 + 4 + 20.6 = 57.5) 3. Tanja (VRL-07777) - C Mightoak VH06-006-8347 (40.7 + 16 + 1.6 = 58.4) 4. Milma (VRL-14149) - Lupsakan Vadelmaviineri VH18-018-1487 (34.1 + 4 + 22.1 = 60.2) 5. Milma (VRL-14149) - Lupsakan Hurmanharmi VH18-018-1514 (40.6 + 8 + 12.5 = 61.1) 6. birdie (VRL-14733) - Gerda VH18-011-0253 (55 + 8 + 0.9 = 63.9) 7. Tuire (VRL-00345) - Firelily VH13-178-0003 (38.4 + 8 + 18.3 = 64.7) 8. birdie (VRL-14733) - Radiation (42.8 + 0 + 24.4 = 67.3) 9. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Lumen Lööperi VH15-018-0392 (65.5 + 0 + 5.9 = 71.3) 10. Ireth (VRL-03777) - Seppäjärven Yllättäjä VH17-018-1459 (29.3 + 16 + 26.1 = 71.4) 11. Humutin (VRL-14618) - Pirtin Pinni VH18-018-2157 (36.5 + 12 + 24.2 = 72.7) 12. Ireth (VRL-03777) - Sotamaalauksen Taivaankantaja VH18-018-1661 (58.9 + 4 + 9.9 = 72.8) 13. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Kadon Kansas (74.6 + 0 + 1.9 = 76.4) 14. Jannica (VRL-04799) - Gingershot VH17-027-0013 (30.7 + 0 + 45.9 = 76.6) 15. birdie (VRL-14733) - Paradox VH18-059-0043 (48.2 + 8 + 24 = 80.2) 16. Kida (VRL-08368) - Koistilan Rommikaneli VH18-018-1813 (40.2 + 0 + 41.7 = 81.9) 17. Jannica (VRL-04799) - Tyson B VH16-028-0171 (33.1 + 8 + 43.2 = 84.3) 18. Humutin (VRL-14618) - Castlebar Magician VH18-035-0203 (54 + 16 + 17.7 = 87.7) 19. Ireth (VRL-03777) - Turmeltajan Vinhakas VH17-018-1349 (74 + 0 + 14.2 = 88.2) 20. Milma (VRL-14149) - Lupsakan Radiaani VH18-018-2021 (47.9 + 8 + 33.9 = 89.8) 21. Ireth (VRL-03777) - Syrjän Pilkuntarkka VH17-018-1273 (36.3 + 8 + 46.1 = 90.4) 22. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Zalaam El Sayed VH18-003-0137 (53 + 8 + 33.4 = 94.4) 23. Jannica (VRL-04799) - Nerys Rhian VH12-022-0136 (73.2 + 8 + 15.4 = 96.6) 24. enna (VRL-14704) - Tarun Helmihirssi VH18-018-1508 (64.4 + 8 + 25.6 = 98) 25. jabberjinx (VRL-13570) - Liljan Villiviima VH18-018-1480 (51.7 + 8 + 39 = 98.7) 26. half (VRL-11734) - Half's Achara VH18-001-0059 (53 + 12 + 34.3 = 99.3) 27. Vibaja (VRL-00727) - Hirnyrkki VH18-018-1766 (63.7 + 12 + 25.9 = 101.6) 28. enna (VRL-14704) - Riimuvaaran Kiukkupussi VH18-018-1360 (67.8 + 0 + 34.6 = 102.3) 29. Milma (VRL-14149) - Lumiviipymä (64.3 + 8 + 30.2 = 102.5) 30. Milma (VRL-14149) - Lupsakan Traakki VH18-018-1783 (62.2 + 8 + 32.5 = 102.6) 31. half (VRL-11734) - Saleh Diego ox VH12-003-0896 (74.9 + 8 + 20.2 = 103.1) 32. Ireth (VRL-03777) - Karamellikeisari VH17-018-0935 (71.8 + 8 + 24.3 = 104.1) 33. jabberjinx (VRL-13570) - Aurora of Lies VH18-031-0307 (50.7 + 8 + 50.4 = 109.1) 34. Humutin (VRL-14618) - Vappulan Aliisa VH18-018-2131 (57.5 + 20 + 33.5 = 111) 35. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - MJA Fahima Aszeem VH18-003-0201 (68.9 + 4 + 38.6 = 111.5) 36. birdie (VRL-14733) - Mercury VH18-057-0008 (70 + 20 + 23.8 = 113.8) 37. Tanja (VRL-07777) - Kery's Kurayami x VH05-034-3473 (74 + 16 + 25.6 = 115.7) 38. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Kadon Aikele (57.2 + 20 + 41.3 = 118.6) 39. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Kadon Kaili (58.3 + 12 + 50.8 = 121.1) 40. Tanja (VRL-07777) - Mana RVC xx VH05-006-4461 (73.7 + 8 + 43.3 = 124.9) 41. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Kaarnan Kepponen (72.3 + 8 + 47.3 = 127.6)Luokka 5: CIC1 - 50 os.
1. Sonja.P (VRL-06588) - Shakkimatin Kuningatar VH18-018-2143 (35.9 + 4 + 11.6 = 51.6) 2. enna (VRL-14704) - Kiertokiitäjä VH18-018-1415 (31.5 + 20 + 0.1 = 51.6) 3. Tanja (VRL-07777) - Exoduck d' Hfiusbai Mi VH11-031-0104 (35 + 4 + 12.6 = 51.6) 4. Sonja.P (VRL-06588) - Kryptankylmä VH18-018-2123 (45 + 0 + 13.4 = 58.5) 5. Milma (VRL-14149) - Lupsakan Pohjahiiva VH18-018-1195 (46.2 + 8 + 5.6 = 59.9) 6. Sonja.P (VRL-06588) - Shakkimatin Sommitelma VH18-018-2145 (30.7 + 0 + 29.6 = 60.3) 7. Milma (VRL-14149) - Aksiooma VH18-018-1486 (28.7 + 4 + 27.8 = 60.4) 8. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Seppäjärven Arastava (38.2 + 16 + 9.4 = 63.6) 9. birdie (VRL-14733) - Killer Bee (29.3 + 16 + 18.4 = 63.8) 10. Ginevra (VRL-11040) - Lady Margaret VH17-035-0096 (36.6 + 12 + 15.8 = 64.4) 11. Ginevra (VRL-11040) - Jack Falstaff VH17-035-0097 (57.4 + 8 + 0.5 = 65.9) 12. Vibaja (VRL-00727) - Tuinela (34.4 + 20 + 12 = 66.4) 13. Vibaja (VRL-00727) - Navajan Yönruhtinas VH18-018-1323 (52.5 + 8 + 6 = 66.5) 14. Vibaja (VRL-00727) - Voturi (51.2 + 12 + 3.5 = 66.7) 15. Ginevra (VRL-11040) - SCS Banana Republic VH18-035-0087 (41.7 + 0 + 27.4 = 69.1) 16. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Ruya al Tahir VH18-003-0136 (50.6 + 4 + 14.6 = 69.2) 17. Tuire (VRL-00345) - Elovalkea VH18-018-1830 (52.7 + 0 + 17 = 69.8) 18. Sonja.P (VRL-06588) - Shakkimatin Pakoruutu VH18-018-2148 (42.6 + 16 + 11.6 = 70.1) 19. Vibaja (VRL-00727) - Merzlota VH18-039-0082 (60.6 + 4 + 8.8 = 73.5) 20. Ireth (VRL-03777) - Kaihon Sudenmorsian VH18-018-1849 (56.9 + 4 + 15.8 = 76.7) 21. Jannica (VRL-04799) - Vennamon Keijupöly VH15-018-2264 (43.7 + 20 + 13.2 = 76.9) 22. birdie (VRL-14733) - Pieces of What (45.3 + 8 + 23.9 = 77.2) 23. Humutin (VRL-14618) - Suruvirsi (61.1 + 0 + 18 = 79.1) 24. birdie (VRL-14733) - Cleopatra (47.9 + 0 + 31.8 = 79.7) 25. birdie (VRL-14733) - Kitty Litter (36.6 + 12 + 31.5 = 80.2) 26. Anna (VRL-14657) - Navajan Lohtulempi VH18-018-1950 (60.1 + 8 + 12.5 = 80.5) 27. Jannica (VRL-04799) - Erkinheimon Kapteeni (44.4 + 4 + 34.8 = 83.2) 28. Tanja (VRL-07777) - Trabarian's Arisutokuratto VH03-021-1509 (66.2 + 4 + 15.5 = 85.6) 29. Ginevra (VRL-11040) - Grumble Hill Pura VH17-035-0099 (49.3 + 4 + 32.7 = 86) 30. half (VRL-11734) - Huwaydah Yasirah ox VH14-003-0019 (46.9 + 16 + 30 = 92.9) 31. Ireth (VRL-03777) - Vaniman Lahjakäpy VH18-018-1970 (50.2 + 12 + 30.9 = 93.1) 32. enna (VRL-14704) - Vaniman Hupsutti VH18-018-1383 (43.9 + 16 + 33.3 = 93.2) 33. Ireth (VRL-03777) - Clodagh VH17-035-0054 (68.2 + 20 + 6.1 = 94.3) 34. Jannica (VRL-04799) - Hervannan Hattivatti VH16-018-2589 (58.9 + 8 + 28.6 = 95.5) 35. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Kadon Kelvoton (56.8 + 8 + 32.2 = 97.1) 36. Hilde (VRL-14119) - Vividth's Lamia VH17-035-0090 (48.3 + 8 + 41.9 = 98.2) 37. Tanja (VRL-07777) - Dark Fortification VH11-021-0169 (67.4 + 4 + 26.7 = 98.2) 38. Milma (VRL-14149) - Lorun Vesihelmi VH18-018-1396 (62.3 + 20 + 16.6 = 98.9) 39. Milma (VRL-14149) - Runon Korpikettu VH18-018-1328 (57.8 + 8 + 34 = 99.8) 40. Jannica (VRL-04799) - Vähäpellon Jääsuklaa VH16-018-2698 (56 + 20 + 24.5 = 100.4) 41. Hilde (VRL-14119) - Sepp's Fogerty Fanatic VH18-035-0021 (63.5 + 12 + 25 = 100.5) 42. Ginevra (VRL-11040) - Lady Hazelnut GEA VH18-035-0015 (65.9 + 20 + 19.6 = 105.5) 43. Ireth (VRL-03777) - Farbranch Mitch VH15-069-0002 (72.3 + 0 + 35.3 = 107.6) 44. enna (VRL-14704) - Viimeinen Houkutus VH18-018-1421 (73.8 + 12 + 23.1 = 108.9) 45. Jannica (VRL-04799) - Ponipalleron Pikku-Prinssi VH13-018-0732 (46.8 + 16 + 46.7 = 109.5) 46. Vibaja (VRL-00727) - Navajan Gladiaattori VH18-018-1852 (58.3 + 16 + 36.8 = 111.1) 47. enna (VRL-14704) - Lorun Haaveuni VH18-018-1388 (67.2 + 4 + 45.5 = 116.7) 48. Milma (VRL-14149) - Kaihon Tervapääsky VH18-018-1170 (57.4 + 20 + 41.7 = 119.1) 49. Sonja.P (VRL-06588) - Shakkimatin Korpiyö VH18-018-2144 (68 + 12 + 42.4 = 122.4) 50. half (VRL-11734) - Overthrow MCF VH14-001-0016 (62.3 + 16 + 46.8 = 125.2)Luokka 6: CIC2 - 32 os.
1. Anna (VRL-14657) - Rock 'N' Roll van de Istria VH15-029-0100 (32.5 + 8 + 0.3 = 40.8) 2. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Rafaga 'B VH18-001-0065 (35.9 + 0 + 8 = 43.9) 3. Mercy (VRL-14264) - Rakestreet Evil Eye (42 + 8 + 9.1 = 59.1) 4. Ireth (VRL-03777) - Priton Braum VH18-039-0093 (37.1 + 8 + 22.6 = 67.7) 5. Ginevra (VRL-11040) - DF Geek Charming VH17-035-0104 (53.1 + 4 + 11 = 68.1) 6. rebely (VRL-09009) - Romeo VH11-044-0213 (37.3 + 8 + 24.4 = 69.7) 7. Jannica (VRL-04799) - Ceann Starlight VH16-035-0138 (38.4 + 0 + 32.5 = 70.9) 8. Vibaja (VRL-00727) - Einfall Herzog (57.3 + 8 + 6.7 = 72) 9. Ireth (VRL-03777) - Powder Pink Honey VH17-202-0027 (55.3 + 8 + 10.5 = 73.8) 10. Ginevra (VRL-11040) - Cyberwar GEA VH18-029-0077 (42.4 + 0 + 31.6 = 74) 11. Hilde (VRL-14119) - Gooseberry Taurus VH17-035-0033 (69.5 + 4 + 0.8 = 74.3) 12. Jannica (VRL-04799) - Crambonya VH16-006-0031 (57.4 + 4 + 13.5 = 74.9) 13. Mercy (VRL-14264) - Hollabar Abacus VH15-035-0227 (58.1 + 0 + 17.4 = 75.5) 14. half (VRL-11734) - Oxford Bully VH12-001-0801 (32.8 + 0 + 43.7 = 76.5) 15. Anna (VRL-14657) - Askari VH04-044-9494 (41.4 + 16 + 20.5 = 77.9) 16. Jannica (VRL-04799) - A.D. Mind Your Own Business VH17-029-0092 (53.2 + 8 + 18.6 = 79.9) 17. Nikki (VRL-14085) - Pussy Galore VH18-155-0031 (47 + 0 + 36.1 = 83) 18. Jannica (VRL-04799) - Ceann Amour VH16-035-0137 (48.5 + 4 + 31.3 = 83.8) 19. Hilde (VRL-14119) - VB Adelle VH18-035-0018 (70.8 + 0 + 14.2 = 85) 20. Mercy (VRL-14264) - Banana Republic (31 + 20 + 35.5 = 86.6) 21. Ginevra (VRL-11040) - Geek Monopoly GEA VH18-035-0032 (68.7 + 0 + 20.1 = 88.8) 22. Mercy (VRL-14264) - Killeenleegh National Treasure VH18-035-0006 (68.9 + 20 + 1.1 = 90) 23. birdie (VRL-14733) - Arinna de Winter VH18-155-0035 (34 + 12 + 46.1 = 92.1) 24. Ginevra (VRL-11040) - A.D. Under the Sea VH16-035-0075 (48.4 + 0 + 47 = 95.4) 25. Hilde (VRL-14119) - Lady Jacqueline GEA VH18-035-0014 (40.5 + 16 + 39.5 = 95.9) 26. Ginevra (VRL-11040) - DF Angel of Mercy VH17-035-0086 (72.4 + 12 + 14.4 = 98.8) 27. Ireth (VRL-03777) - Priton Roksana VH17-039-0002 (59.7 + 0 + 44.2 = 103.9) 28. Ireth (VRL-03777) - Zemniak Bogdan VH17-039-0038 (53.8 + 12 + 47 = 112.8) 29. birdie (VRL-14733) - Chiquitita (55.5 + 12 + 46.1 = 113.6) 30. Ireth (VRL-03777) - Namys Dimoska VH17-039-0052 (57.2 + 8 + 49.1 = 114.4) 31. Jannica (VRL-04799) - A.D. Lovely Kid VH11-035-0252 (65.2 + 12 + 44.9 = 122.1) 32. birdie (VRL-14733) - Fonnesbech (71.3 + 8 + 47.7 = 127)Luokka 7: CIC3 - 39 os.
1. half (VRL-11734) - Matthijs xx VH14-006-0511 (30.5 + 8 + 10.7 = 49.2) 2. birdie (VRL-14733) - Icarus (43 + 0 + 11.7 = 54.7) 3. Ireth (VRL-03777) - Madness Ends xx VH18-006-0319 (45.6 + 12 + 4.2 = 61.8) 4. Sonja.P (VRL-06588) - Gamma Inna (48.5 + 4 + 10 = 62.5) 5. Ireth (VRL-03777) - Namys Really Very Sorry xx VH18-006-0255 (57.2 + 0 + 5.5 = 62.7) 6. Nikki (VRL-14085) - Dawnbreaker Helios VH18-155-0023 (37.6 + 16 + 10 = 63.6) 7. Sonja.P (VRL-06588) - Alfa King (63.6 + 0 + 2 = 65.6) 8. Mercy (VRL-14264) - B Emmanuela VH17-006-0078 (43.9 + 0 + 22.3 = 66.1) 9. birdie (VRL-14733) - Hypochondria Fern VH18-141-0003 (43.8 + 8 + 14.5 = 66.3) 10. Sonja.P (VRL-06588) - Gamma Ginger (46.4 + 4 + 20.7 = 71.1) 11. Humutin (VRL-14618) - Amixan VH18-102-0010 (31.4 + 4 + 40.3 = 75.7) 12. rebely (VRL-09009) - Shokora's Good Jumper VH15-044-0265 (64.6 + 0 + 11.9 = 76.6) 13. rebely (VRL-09009) - Lemniscate Gossamer VH18-044-0119 (37.4 + 4 + 38.9 = 80.3) 14. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Spidey Axxim Prime VH16-066-0077 (41 + 0 + 39.5 = 80.5) 15. Ireth (VRL-03777) - Namys Magic Mirror xx VH17-006-0052 (68.2 + 8 + 5.4 = 81.6) 16. Ireth (VRL-03777) - Conah Caphriel VH17-031-0233 (47.6 + 20 + 14.2 = 81.8) 17. birdie (VRL-14733) - Southern Veil de Winter VH18-155-0034 (29.3 + 4 + 49 = 82.3) 18. Mercy (VRL-14264) - Ruth VH16-011-0063 (71.8 + 4 + 6.6 = 82.4) 19. Jannica (VRL-04799) - Hestia Raven VH15-031-1067 (54 + 8 + 20.8 = 82.8) 20. Humutin (VRL-14618) - Didi's Marvel Boy (37.6 + 12 + 37.2 = 86.8) 21. Jannica (VRL-04799) - A.D. One of a Kind VH16-012-0408 (51.3 + 8 + 28.4 = 87.7) 22. Mercy (VRL-14264) - Indy Neon VH15-006-0186 (39.6 + 4 + 44.7 = 88.3) 23. birdie (VRL-14733) - My Oh My (67.4 + 12 + 9.8 = 89.2) 24. Ginevra (VRL-11040) - Restless Falcon GEA VH18-029-0088 (65.9 + 8 + 16.7 = 90.5) 25. Jannica (VRL-04799) - Maverick von Wan VH17-031-0071 (56.5 + 4 + 31.5 = 92) 26. Mercy (VRL-14264) - Red Memphis Coup VH17-006-0031 (63.6 + 4 + 25.1 = 92.6) 27. Vibaja (VRL-00727) - Zaynah Riyad VH18-034-0022 (29.8 + 20 + 46.4 = 96.2) 28. half (VRL-11734) - Sister Janalee VH12-202-0005 (72.9 + 8 + 16.5 = 97.4) 29. Sanchez (VRL-10533) - Bloodthorn Hood VH18-076-0017 (46.4 + 20 + 31.6 = 98) 30. Nikki (VRL-14085) - Seventh Veil VH18-155-0027 (48 + 12 + 38.8 = 98.8) 31. half (VRL-11734) - Admit It! Ring VH18-006-0347 (53.8 + 4 + 42.4 = 100.2) 32. half (VRL-11734) - Stormy Life O'Kalász VH13-006-0085 (51.2 + 4 + 45.5 = 100.8) 33. Vibaja (VRL-00727) - Escorant Libelle VH18-021-0078 (63.2 + 8 + 32.2 = 103.4) 34. Nikki (VRL-14085) - Amaterasu VH18-155-0002 (60 + 0 + 43.8 = 103.8) 35. Humutin (VRL-14618) - Mr Bubbly VH18-031-0131 (57.7 + 20 + 29.9 = 107.6) 36. Jannica (VRL-04799) - Gingerbread GER VH17-066-0040 (52.2 + 20 + 48.3 = 120.5) 37. Ireth (VRL-03777) - Mirror Mirror xx VH16-006-0234 (69.6 + 8 + 46.8 = 124.5) 38. Jannica (VRL-04799) - Sauer Ingwer VH17-066-0039 (74.3 + 4 + 46.7 = 125) 39. Mercy (VRL-14264) - Indigo VH15-006-0136 (67.8 + 12 + 47.5 = 127.4)Luokka 8: CIC4 - 26 os.
1. half (VRL-11734) - The Distance VH18-006-0417 (40.9 + 0 + 2.7 = 43.6) 2. Ginevra (VRL-11040) - She's Venomous Coup VH18-209-0004 (32 + 12 + 0.3 = 44.3) 3. Mercy (VRL-14264) - Esmé du Boux VH18-021-0019 (35 + 0 + 17.3 = 52.3) 4. Ginevra (VRL-11040) - Soap Bubble Samurai GEA VH18-209-0005 (46.6 + 4 + 5.1 = 55.7) 5. Ireth (VRL-03777) - Genheit Cascade xx VH15-006-0377 (40.9 + 8 + 8.8 = 57.7) 6. Mercy (VRL-14264) - DFS Liqour Liqour Lips VH18-006-0014 (35.7 + 4 + 18.3 = 58) 7. birdie (VRL-14733) - Electro Man (45.1 + 0 + 13 = 58.1) 8. Ireth (VRL-03777) - Namys Ziena VH18-209-0033 (34 + 0 + 24.6 = 58.6) 9. Ginevra (VRL-11040) - Altair Coup VH18-209-0006 (59.2 + 0 + 14.3 = 73.5) 10. Mercy (VRL-14264) - Dani California CO VH18-006-0012 (49.2 + 0 + 26.3 = 75.6) 11. Nikki (VRL-14085) - Ankh VH18-155-0003 (66.3 + 0 + 11.5 = 77.7) 12. Ginevra (VRL-11040) - Hemsbury Samurai VH17-209-0043 (68.2 + 4 + 7.1 = 79.3) 13. Ireth (VRL-03777) - Kilkenny Zoe VH15-209-0064 (52.2 + 4 + 27.4 = 83.7) 14. Nikki (VRL-14085) - Unruhe v.d. Sieger VH18-013-0100 (39.1 + 8 + 38.7 = 85.7) 15. Ginevra (VRL-11040) - Bubblegumwar GEA VH17-209-0046 (75 + 4 + 9 = 87.9) 16. Ireth (VRL-03777) - Witchcraft STC VH17-155-0011 (54 + 8 + 26.2 = 88.2) 17. Shannon. (VRL-05645) - Vorgol VH16-151-0012 (54.4 + 8 + 30 = 92.3) 18. Ireth (VRL-03777) - Midnight Fairy xx VH18-006-0320 (51.7 + 0 + 44.2 = 95.9) 19. Mercy (VRL-14264) - De Facto Deadpool VH18-006-0015 (49 + 4 + 44.5 = 97.6) 20. birdie (VRL-14733) - Supernova (65.4 + 4 + 32 = 101.4) 21. Nikki (VRL-14085) - South of Heaven VH18-155-0024 (66 + 12 + 25.8 = 103.8) 22. jabberjinx (VRL-13570) - Foxtrail Aloe VH15-031-1217 (62.1 + 0 + 45.8 = 107.9) 23. Nikki (VRL-14085) - Christina Death VH18-155-0004 (64.1 + 4 + 41 = 109.1) 24. birdie (VRL-14733) - Fade (61.4 + 12 + 40.1 = 113.5) 25. Mercy (VRL-14264) - Folklore VH18-209-0003 (57.7 + 12 + 44 = 113.6) 26. Nikki (VRL-14085) - Greed of Atlantis VH18-298-0001 (68 + 8 + 40.6 = 116.7)